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waste water plant

Highway 350
Osgood IN 47037

Waste Water Superintendent: Tony Wood

Assistant Plant Operator: Peyton Ross

Open 24 hours per day 7 days per week


The Osgood Wastewater Treatment Plant has existed since the 1930’s. The three major upgrades to the facility were 1955, 1972, and 1997. The current treatment plant utilizes pieces of both the 1972 and the 1997 upgrades, however; most of the treatment plant is fourteen years old. The distribution system has been built in many extensions between the 1930’s and the present. Replacement or repair of the distribution system is ongoing.

Facility Description

The Osgood Wastewater Treatment Plant is composed of an Automatic Bar Screen, Grit Removal Channels, an Influent Pump Station, Extended Aeration Oxidation Ditch, two Gravity Clarifiers, and UV Disinfection. The Distribution System contains approximately 95,000 feet of sanitary sewer lines, 162 manholes, and ten pumping stations.


The Osgood Wastewater Department has three full time employees. Responsibilities include operation, maintenance, laboratory, and administration of the Treatment Plant and Distribution System.


The Wastewater Plant possesses an operational permit and a land application permit from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. At this time the Town of Osgood is current on all compliance standards. Sewer lining and replacement is ongoing in order to reduce inflow and infiltration of groundwater into the sanitary sewer system.