The Osgood Volunteer Fire Dept. Inc. proudly protects 3300 people living in the 33 square miles of Center Township and the Town of Osgood. This all-volunteer department consists of 19 Active Firefighters, 2 Cadets and 6 Reserves. A Junior Firefighter program was also started in 2002.
Fire Hall:
247 West Beech St
Osgood, In 47037
Phone: 812-689-4142
Chief: 812-621-0717
Mission Statement:
To serve the citizens and businesses of the Town of Osgood and its visitors by protecting life, property, and the environment, from the hazards and dangers of fires, medical emergencies, and natural disasters through prevention, education.
301 | Mike Stephens | 812-756-8485 | Firefighter / Grant Writer | |
302 | Todd Carter | 513-739-6802 | Firefighter / EMR | |
304 | David Fox | 812-614-7609 | 3rd Lieutenant | Firefighter / EMR |
305 | Tristian Ogles | 812-577-7145 | 1st Lieutenant / Treasurer | Firefighter / EMR |
338 | Kyle Negangard | 812-621-0717 | Chief | Firefighter / EMT |
307 | Jaimmie Negangard | 812-577-5504 | Administrative Charting | Firefighter |
308 | John Wagner | 812-756-1889 | Firefighter | |
310 | Doug Thayer | 812-662-4311 | Firefighter | |
311 | Trey Einhaus | 812-212-4982 | Firefighter | |
340 | Rodney Stepleton | 812-756-0398 | 2nd Assistant Chief / Director | Firefighter |
316 | Garrett Edwards | 812-621-0071 | Military Leave | Firefighter |
317 | Dave Brook | 812-756-4177 | Secretary | Firefighter |
337 | Alex Brison | 812-621-8500 | Captain / Vice President | Firefighter / EMR |
320 | Robert Kelly | 563-822-2215 | Firefighter / EMT | |
321 | Alexander Dushney | 812-560-2585 | Firefighter | |
322 | Payton Jones | 931-802-4195 | EMT / Firefighter | |
323 | Chris Hankins | 812-212-3132 | 2nd Lieutenant | Firefighter / EMT |
339 | Riley Thomas | 812-756-2757 | 1st Assistant Chief/President | Firefighter |
328 | Steve Wilhoit | 812-756-0167 | Firefighter | |
329 | Jason Smith | 812-621-4197 | Safety Officer | EMT |
Would you like to help your community and your neighbor in their time of need?
Would you like to belong to a professional organization that serves others?
Would you like to be part of an experience of a lifetime?
Come join us! Be a volunteer firefighter! Reach out right now!
In 1854, the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad Company completed the railroad line through Ripley County. In 1856, work began laying out a town between Napoleon and Versailles. A plank road was built from oak boards between the towns. The initial town began on the south side of the railroad. The town was named after Mr. A.L. Osgood, a chief engineer for the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad who oversaw the surveying crew. In 1878 Osgood became an incorporated town.
Fire protection in those days was the "whoever is available" method. When a fire was discovered, someone ran to the bell rope at the town building and rang the bell until adequate help arrived. A bucket brigade moved water from any source, one bucket at a time until the building burned down.

The town decided to move into the future of firefighting, by purchasing an 1886 Rumsey hand pumper, Stored at the town building, six men were required to use the wooden handles up and down pumping water through hoses hauled on a hose cart. The town then built fire cisterns every few blocks in town, fed by rainwater, and opened up to drop in a suction line from the Rumsey pumper.
In the 20's a motorized fire pumper was added to the equipment as were newer trucks throughout history, with this equipment, the uncoordinated volunteers decided to organize a department at the towns request. This was accomplished in 1939. That same year Santa came to the fire hall to meet the children, a tradition that lives on today.

By 1976 a newer firehouse was built at the present location. The old fire hall had four trucks behind one door. Firemen had a basic building erected and did the finish work themselves. In the 80s the firemen built the present meeting room, office, kitchen and restrooms.
Today the Osgood Volunteer Fire Department still has an active roster responding to fires, motor vehicle wrecks, emergency medical calls. Dispatching moved from the bell to a siren and to radio pager in 1977 from a center at the Sheriff's office. Now with the 911 system, calls are transmitted from the communications center in Versailles to the members using pagers and cell phones.
Total Runs: 236
- 27 - Vehicle Accident
- 150 - 1st Response
- 42 - Fire
- 12 - Mutual Aid Fire
5 - Mutual Aid EMS