147 West Ripley Street
Osgood IN 47037
24-hour Dispatch #: 812-689-0178
Emergency Call: 911
Street Superintendent: Steve Wilhoit
Street Assistant: Tim Kreutzjans
The Town of Osgood's Street Department duties include, but are not limited to:
- Maintaining all City Streets
- Street Cleaning
- Snow Plowing
- Street Repairs
- Overlaying
- Cleaning and Repairing Storm Drains and Inlets
- All City Street Signs
- Mowing and Weed Control
- Storm Water Control
Snow Plowing Frequently Asked Questions
- My road looks clear. Why do you keep coming back?
There are several reasons why this occurs. Most importantly, during a major snow event of approximately 5 inches or more, passes are made to keep the road open and passable. Once the storm abates, we then return to clear snow all the way back to the curb line or pavement edge. This prohibits the snow from refreezing on the street, making the road essentially un-plowable in the event that another snow occurs in the relatively near future. Additionally, this clears areas that are frequently used for on-street parking.
- A truck hit my mailbox. Will you replace it?
Possibly. If a truck or plow physically hits a mailbox, the Town will reimburse the homeowner for the cost of replacement. However, this is extremely rare; commonly the cause of mailbox damage is from 200-300 pounds of snow being thrown from the plow blade, and is unavoidable. In this situation, the Town will not replace damaged mailboxes.
- How fast are you going to throw snow 15’ feet from the roadway
All drivers are instructed to follow all traffic laws, including speed limits, and to lower their speed when necessary to maintain safe operation. In most cases, it is impossible even to attain posted speed limits, and snow plowing typically occurs in the 15 to 20 mph range on minor streets and 25 to 30 mph on main thoroughfares. Slower speeds are ineffective, as the trucks lose traction if they do not maintain momentum.
- How much snow are we going to get before you plow?
Plowing is always viewed as a last resort. In any snow event, we try to melt as much of it as possible. Once the decision to plow is made, usually when 2 or more inches have accumulated or are expected to accumulate, plowing will commence. If weather conditions are favorable and the salt application is working effectively, plowing may be temporarily or permanently suspended.
- Why do I always get snow piled in front of my house
This question is usually posed by homeowners on a cul-de-sac. When you look at the configuration of most cul-de-sacs, there is little room between driveways and mailboxes to place piles of snow. Due to area geometry and snow plow mobility, the snow gets piled at the easiest and most efficient location so that we may get to everyone as quickly as possible.
- Can you avoid plowing across my driveway and blocking me in or out?
Unfortunately, no. There is no other way to remove snow than starting in the middle of the street and moving outward. This always results in a generally uniform placement of snow along the edge of the street, which means across drives as well. It is not intentional, but merely unavoidable in any practical sense.
- Who decides when to apply salt to the streets
During business hours, the Street Department monitors weather and tries to anticipate as much as possible.
- What can a resident or business owner do to facilitate the snow plow process?
Keeping the streets free of parked cars is extremely beneficial. Additionally, do not throw snow cleared from sidewalks and driveways into the street. This is too concentrated for the salt to work effectively and these areas will tend to refreeze quickly creating icy spots on the roads. Also, whenever practical locate trash cans a few extra feet from the street to avoid disturbance caused by snow being cast from the plows.