What to do if you smell gas
Natural gas has an odor similar to rotten eggs so that even the smallest leaks can be detected.
Follow these steps if you smell gas at your home or business:
- Do not turn on any lights or use the telephone
- Ensure everyone leaves the home/building immediately. Use a telephone away from the building to call the Osgood Utilities at: 689-3839, the Town Hall at: 689-4240, or the Water Plant which has someone on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year at 689-4324.
- In case there is no answer at any location above please dial 911.
Please note: There is no charge for calling the gas company to check for a gas leak. Osgood gas utilities is available to respond 24 hours per day, 365 days a year.
Call before you dig
If you are planning to dig a hole, tear down a building or engage in any other earth moving activity, please call Toll Free 1-800-382-5544, at least two full days before you dig. We'll show you and your contractor where the gas line are located and help you avoid any problems. Cutting a buried utility line can be dangerous, costly, and inconvenient. So don't dig blind, make the call please.
Call 811
Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas produced when fuels such as gasoline, propane, kerosene, natural gas, coal and wood do not have an adequate oxygen supply to burn completely. The most common sources are automobiles, furnaces and boilers that haven't been properly maintained. An estimated 10,000 people are treated annually nationwide for carbon monoxide poisoning - the most common cause being vehicle fumes.
Visit the American Red Cross for additional information in regards to Carbon Monoxide and Prevention.
Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
- Flu-like symptoms: nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, vomiting, confusion.
- In many cases, victims are aware they are not well, but become to disoriented to save themselves.
- Particularly vulnerable are pregnant women. Also: small children, senior citizens and people with heart or respiratory problems.
Safety Tips
- Have a professional annual inspections and cleanings of heating systems, vents, flues, and chimneys. Occasionally conduct your own visual inspections.
- Look for improper connections, rust, standing water build up.
- Never leave a car running in a garage.
- Never use gas or charcoal grills in an enclosed area.
- Install carbon monoxide alarms on every level of your home, especially near bedrooms. It should meet requirements of the International Approval Services Standard. Alarms can be recognized by the blue star, AGA (American Gas Association) design on the package.
- If you suspect carbon monoxide, get fresh air immediately and call 911.
Natural Gas Appliance Safety
To ensure safety and efficiency, have your furnace, water heater and other natural gas appliances inspected by a licensed technician once a year. Also, do not store flammable liquids, paint or other flammable materials near a furnace, stove or water heater. Keep the lint trap on your gas dryer clean and the exhaust hose clear.
Hot Water Safety
Natural gas water heaters are a fast, efficient way to heat the water in your home. But with any heater, parents should exercise caution when using hot water around small children, especially in the bathtub.
- To avoid scalding hot water in the bathtub and sinks, keep your water heater set at a maximum of 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
- If you live in an apartment building, ask you landlord or property manager to check the building's water heater. (It's also a great way to conserve energy.)
- Fill the bathtub by first turning on the cold water, then add hot water. When the tub is almost filled, turn off the hot water. Then turn off the cold water.
- Before you place your child in the tub, put your hand all the way in the water. Spread your fingers. Move your hand back and forth throughout the length of the tub to check for hot areas.
- Always stay with the child. Don't answer the phone or door. If you must leave the bathroom take your child with you.
- Remember, never leave a child alone in the tub or even with other children. It literally can take just a second for small children to turn on the hot water and burn themselves.
Space Heater Safety
Osgood utilities does not recommend the use of space heaters. However, if you choose to use a space heater, please be safe.
- Fires and explosions can be caused by flammable fuels or defective wiring.
- Read and follow the manufacturers' operating instructions.
- Use space heaters that are tested and labeled by a nationally recognized testing lab.
- Keep space heaters away from combustible products to avoid a fire. Indoor air pollution could be caused by improper venting or incomplete combustion.
- Carbon monoxide poisoning is caused by improper venting of fuel burning space heaters. Space heaters should have a guard around the flame or coil area to protect children and pets.
- Keep children and pets away from space heaters.
- Do not use space heaters overnight in bedrooms or any room where you may sleep.
For additional information in regards to gas safety contact our office at:
Gas Dept: 689-3839
Town Hall: 689-4240
Water Dept 24 Hrs a Day: 689-4324
In case there is no answer at any location above please dial 911.
Gas Department:
Call Before You Dig