The Town of Osgood operates a reliable natural gas distribution system and is directed by CFR Part 192.614 to make you aware of the policies it has concerning excavating near the Town of Osgood’s gas distribution system. The Town of Osgood is a member of the state one call system I.U.P.P.S. You must call I.U.P.P.S. at least 48 hours prior to any excavating. This is the only way the Town of Osgood will respond to a locate request. The phone number for I.U.P.P.S. is 1-800-382-5544 or dial 811. If time or weather results in the marks/flags becoming undistinguishable you must call I.U.P.P.S. again to have the lines remarked.
Pipeline markers are in place near some pipelines, but not all and do not assume pipeline markers are directly over the pipeline. Please exercise extreme caution when digging around natural gas pipelines. Hand exposing gas pipelines is recommended at least 24" on all sides of the pipeline. If a line is cut, scratched, or damaged in any way, or if you suspect a leak please contact the gas department at 812-689-3839. Do not try to make repairs yourself. We thank you very much for helping us keep Osgood a safe place to live and work.
Steve Wilhoit Gas Superintendent