Town of Osgood Minutes

Regular Meeting
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
7:00 P.M.

Present at the meeting were Tammy Wilhoit, Chris Kuhn, Holley Rose, Bill Roberts, Matt Wirth, Tony Wood, Steve Wilhoit, and Jodi Comer.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call – Lynn was not present

Motion to waive the reading and adopt the pre-read minutes. Bill 1st, Holley 2nd
3 - ayes

Old business:

Sale of 117 Ripley Street – still under advisement

Introducing Ordinance 2022-6 for the first reading: An Ordinance Adopting Ordinance §32.25 Municipal Vehicle Operation Policy. The Town’s insurance company has suggested that a policy be adopted for the operation of municipal vehicles.

Motion to adopt Ordinance 2022-6 for the first reading. Bill 1st, Holley 2nd
3 - ayes

Second reading of Ordinance 2022-6: An Ordinance Adopting Ordinance §32.25 Municipal Vehicle Operation Policy.

Motion to adopt Ordinance 2022-6 for the second reading. Holley 1st, Bill 2nd
3 - ayes

Motion for final adoption under suspension of the rules. Holley 1st, Bill 2nd
3 - ayes

Council met with Baker Tilly at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the Water and Sewer Rate Studies. Baker Tilly presented Council with 3 options to look at. After discussion, Baker Tilly will go back and look at some other alternatives for the future rate increases.

Commonwealth Project Memo:

Water Improvement Project –

A preliminary set of plans and specifications have been completed, including preliminary layout of lines and clearwell improvements.

Site visit was held November 29th. Commonwealth and Town walked through the project to ensure utilities are shown appropriately. Edits are being incorporated into design.

The IDEM Permit is complete and ready for Town’s approval and signature.

Commonwealth has reached out to INDOT to begin the permitting process.

2022 Round 2 – Community Crossing Project –

INDOT awarded $1,000,000 for work on West Eckert, West Wilson, McCoy, Glasgow, and Leslie Streets.

Project must have a contract with INDOT by April 6th.

Steve Wilhoit is the signing authority for Osgood for DocuSign.

2022 Community Crossing Project claims:

Commonwealth Engineers - $28,078.45 for construction/commissioning and Resident Project Representative.

Daniel Gunter Excavating - $3,475.00 to clear out brush and stumps from ditch line

Motion to approve Commonwealth’s and Daniel Gunter’s claims. Bill 1st, Holley 2nd
3 - ayes

Meeting was held with Al Stong and Inspector Tim to get this project closed out.

2022 Round 2 Community Crossing Project claims:

Commonwealth Engineers - $25,644.05 for Preliminary Design, Surveying, and Professional Fees.

Motion to approve Commonwealth’s claim. Holley 1st, Bill 2nd
3 - ayes

Water Works Improvement Project claims:

Commonwealth Engineers - $24,934.58 for Preliminary Design, Permit Application, and Land Surveying.

Motion to approve Commonwealth’s claim. Holley 1st, Bill 2nd
3 - ayes

SIRPC’s agreement – the Town of Osgood desires to contract with SIRPC for general administration services in connection with the $581,481 grant received for the Water Works Improvement Project.

Motion to approve and sign SIRPC’s agreement. Holley 1st, Bill 2nd
3 - ayes

Indiana Department of Environmental Management - Application for Construction Permit for Public Water System.

Motion to approve the Application and have Chris and Tony sign. Bill 1st, Holley 2nd
3 - ayes

SIRPC is also requesting the Council to appoint the 2023 representative for the Town of Osgood.

Motion to appoint Stephanie Back as Osgood’s representative. Holley 1st, Bill 2nd
3 - ayes

The following are grants we are applying for through the Reynolds Foundation:

Annual Tree and Mulch Maintenance for 2023 in the amount of $8,500

Bricktoberfest 2023 in the amount of $8,500

2023 Trail Enhancements in the amount of $8,000 (Received grant for $26,000 from Rising Sun Regional Foundation for Soil Erosion and Bank Repairs)

New Light Pole Brackets in the amount of $16,426 to replace worn out brackets.

Motion to approve and sign grant applications. Holley 1st, Bill 2nd
3 - ayes

Motion to hire Alex Wilhelm as the Deputy Marshall, contingent upon polygraph test. Bill 1st, Holley 2nd
3 - ayes

Set up the organizational meeting within 10 days of the New Year: January 3rd at 6:00 p.m.

Wastewater Department - Tony Wood stated all is good, no major issues, and land application is done. Wet tests were done again due to drought. Insurance paid for lightning damage. He has been speaking with Rachel from Commonwealth concerning the IFA directive to leverage money for sewer projects. Alex Eckstein will be testing for her Class 1 license and Paul Simon will be going for his DSM license.

Water Department - Tony Wood stated there are no major problems. He is worried about the coming weather. Compliance is good, chemical feed rates down, and no compliance issues. They will need to replace the computer scada system and Winn 911. The system is 9 years old and they will no longer support the system. The new computer and software cost is $24,000. He will continue to push for a 4 hour shift reduction. Next year is copper and lead identification. They will need to go to every service and list materials to be submitted to IDEM and EPA. They are also due for inspection and that cost is around $7,000-$8,000.

Police Department - continuing to work on a grant for the police car.

Steve Wilhoit stated that Gary Norman contacted him to discuss the RCEDC representative. Previously, it had been Brenda Wetzler, but she is no longer doing it. Gary had asked Steve if he wanted the position and he declined. Gary stated the County has made changes, they feel they want councilmen as representatives. Gary then requested if the Town would consider Jeff Volz as our representative.


Motion to appoint Jeff Volz upon his acceptance. Chris 1st, Bill 2nd
3 - ayes

Street Department - Steve Wilhoit stated that there was a meeting with DNR about hooking into the Versailles State Park and Jac-Cen-Del with trails. From the information we received, the Osgood Trails connection to the state park had a lot of red flags from DNR, due to land acquisition and easements. DNR felt it wasn't a good grant. We also discussed the addition of one mile to our existing trails, which they felt was a good project. The application deadline is due in March. If we did the DNR grant we would need a 20% match. We also just received another Community Crossing Grant for one million dollars. The State is using documents that need to be signed digitally. There was an Ordinance created to allow Steve to sign these contracts, if the ordinance does not cover that for the new project, Council will vote for him to do it. We are in the process of buttoning up plans for this project. It will have stormwater, curb, lighting, and pavement. Reynolds Foundation would be the matching portion and would do the lighting. A concern for the snow plow equipment was brought up. We can no longer get parts for the 13 year old equipment. The backhoe is 22 years old and part of a Tiger Smart Program where they take a sample of oil and analyze. Metal shavings have been found in the engine. It needs to be replaced or traded in. Corbin White has returned to work with restrictions. Gary Norman also told Steve that he had sent Lynn Fledderman and Neil Comer information on the Industrial Park. Hardebeck has completed their appraisal and we are still waiting on Larry Colson’s.

Motion for Steve Wilhoit to be the DocuSign representative for the Town of Osgood to sign the INDOT LPA Contract. Bill 1st, Holley 2nd
3 -ayes

Jodi Comer with SIRPC was present to get the contract with SIRPC signed and answer any questions for the Water Project.

Claims signed.

Motion to adjourn the meeting. Holley 1st, Bill 2nd
3 - ayes

