Town of Osgood Minutes

Regular Meeting
Tuesday, June 20, 2022
7:00 P.M.

Present at the meeting were Tammy Wilhoit, Chris Kuhn, Holley Rose, Lynn Fledderman, Dale Gick, Matt Wirth, Will Wallace, Tony Wood, and Bill Roberts

Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call – all present

Motion to waive the reading and adopt the pre-read minutes. Holley 1st, Chris 2nd
2 - ayes

The Town of Osgood has the need to fill a vacant Council seat left by the passing of Norman Kappes. Council wishes to appoint Bill Roberts to fill that seat.

Motion was made to appoint William “Bill” Roberts. Holley 1st, Chris 2nd
2 - ayes

Lynn gave Mr. Roberts the Oath of Office.

Old business:

Introducing Ordinance 2022-3 for the first reading: An Ordinance prohibiting Engine Braking. The Town of Osgood has determined that it is in the best interest of public health and safety to prohibit engine braking also known as Jake-braking within the town limits.

Motion to approve Ordinance 2022-3 for the first reading. Holley 1st, Bill 2nd
3 - ayes

Last month a citizen had concerns with the lack of membership of the Osgood Fire Department and asked if the Town was able to do anything. Since the Fire Department is a separate entity, there is nothing we can do. There is the possibility of merging with other fire departments, an inter-local agreement would need to be created if that were to happen.

Discussed the sale of the Freeman Building.

Motion was made to get 2 appraisals. Holley 1st, Bill 2nd
3 -ayes

Commonwealth Engineers – Jeremy and Dale discussed Project Update Memo:

They stated that good progress is being made.

  1. 2021-Round 2 Community Crossings Project
    • All Star began installing drainage pipes and structures along Eckert and issues with the structure data table were discovered.
    • Commonwealth updated the structure data table and provided corrections to All Star.
    • Work west of Buckeye resumed the week of June 13th and 15 structures have arrived on site and 4 more have been installed as of 6/17/2022
    • Nyloplast structures are expected to arrive the week of June 20th.
    • Commonwealth reviewing All Star submittals
    • All Star submitted Pay App #1
  2. Water Improvement Project: public hearing 6/21/22 7:00 p.m.
    • OCRA Funding Application- reapplying
    • Ripley County Commissioners pledged over $70,000 to be used as a local match to raise Osgood’s score.
    • OCRA site visit was held on May 26th
    • OCRA application due July 1, awards approximately August 15th
  3. Downtown Project – on hold
  4. Upcoming Street Improvement Projects
    • Commonwealth is working on a memo to help Osgood and Reynolds understand the timeline associated with Community Crossing Grants and why it would be beneficial to begin engineering services earlier in the process. Beginning of July for submission of the next round.

2022 Community Crossing Project claims:

Commonwealth Engineers - $3,909.96 for construction and commissioning

All Star Paving - $77,191.70 for pay application #1 with $4,062.72 for retainage.

Motion to approve Commonwealth’s and All Star Paving claims. Bill 1st, Chris 2nd
3 - ayes

A resident had asked if we had an ordinance for other animals defecating in their yard. Lynn and Will stated that it can fall under the Nuisance Ordinance if the resident knows who the owner of the animal is.

Police Department - Will Wallace stated they had 59 calls.

Sewer Department - Tony Wood stated that they got the fertilizer out last week. He’s working on a pretreatment compliance schedule for the Best Metal permit. The NPDES permit will need to be renewed next month. Half the plant is shut down for dry weather. They cleaned the clarifiers. The new employee, Alex, has been in the sewer department for 6 weeks. She can do day to day operations and lab work. Very happy with her, she has exceeded expectations. They will look into testing for licenses.

Water - Tony Wood stated they have been working on getting matching funds to help with the water project. The matching funds will help to not incur debt. Generator is running and operational at the Town Hall, the remote will be set to Tammy’s computer. Hydrants are getting flushed. New employee, Nathan, is doing well. He will be going to the sewer plant for training there as well. The computer board has caused some issues, but is fixed. There are no compliance issues. Working with rate consultant and will get a list of capital improvement plans together and any expected large periodic maintenance items. We have a grant application in with Rising Sun for instrumentation. The Town received a grant from the Black Fund for $1,000 and Tarter Fund $500 for a water tapping tool. Awaiting Ripley County Community Foundation’s decision for $500. Tony stated there will be a large grant coming up in the fall for $5,000, if we have ideas. New water and sewer taps will be installed next week.

Gas and Street Department - Steve’ report was read aloud by Chris Kuhn:

  • Osgood trails has some erosion issues, Chris and Steve looked at the problem and will try to come up with ideas to fix.
  • Received a complaint that the trailer that burned, owned by Paula Flint, has been sitting there since January 29th. Clerk-Treasurer was asked to contact Paula to see if it was going to be removed.
  • Heard Fairview Village is for sale again. This trailer court is not in compliance with State or local regulations. Holley Rose stated that we can enforce local ordinances in the trailer court. Police Department can get unlicensed cars removed.
  • Inter Com Medical is selling - How does a 501c3 work since it was donations from the community that built it. Lynn stated under the rules, a nonprofit can give assets to another nonprofit. From her understanding their board is defunct. Last attorney doesn’t know if he still represents them or not. They are not active. Lynn has also contacted the Secretary of State and received no response. Don’t know how it would be to claw it back.
  • OBC lot on North Elm needs to be mowed. Chris Kuhn contacted Jerry Vollmer and he said he would look into it. If it doesn’t get mowed, we could mow and charge them the new rates.
  • Received a complaint on the old Vines Egg Building. It’s unsafe and has been setting for over 20 years. Maybe a meeting can be set up with Kenny Hughes to see what the plans are or how to fix the issues. Part of the front of the building had fallen out into the road, owner did clean it up and boarded it up. Chris suggested that maybe a phone call can be placed. If there isn’t a timeline or no plans, there are a couple ways to proceed: Building requirement ordinance or unsafe building ordinance.
  • Continuing issues with grass being blown into the streets and clogging storm drains. Officer Wallace stated he will keep a closer eye on it. Fines could be assessed up to $2,500.
  • Lynn will touch base with Gary Norman on an Economic Development question. Clerk-Treasurer will contact grant source to see if there is a deadline to use the funds.
  • Garbage contract needs to be done this year for the year 2023.
  • Holley has had questions concerning the entrance at Buckeye Street (U.S. 421) and Andrew’s Street by the REMC. The Town has no jurisdiction over U.S. 421. As far as the new road installation, this was done for safety, so that garbage trucks, fire trucks, and EMS would have access. The new street will be a one way heading west. There will be no entry from Shook Street. This will help with cut through traffic. Also, helps us keep our mileage for budget purposes.
  • There is some property south of Eckert Street past Charlie Hughes that the Town owns, there is a tree causing damage to a trailer. Steve would like to clear the trees and put in an 18 inch pipe for drainage. He will be talking to Commonwealth Engineering and getting some prices.

There will be a public hearing tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. for the Water Project, Chris asked Bill if he could attend and he will.

Claims signed.

Motion to adjourn. Bill 1st, Chris 2nd
3- ayes

