Town of Osgood Minutes
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
7:00 P.M.
Present at the meeting were: Tammy Wilhoit, Chris Kuhn, Lynn Fledderman, Steve Wilhoit, Tony Wood, Will Wallace, Matt Wirth, Mary McCarty, Bill Roberts, family of Norma Williams, Reyna Jackson, and Dale Gick.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Opened the public hearing for the Town’s intent to apply to the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs for a water project. Mary McCarty explained the Water Project and stated that this will be our 4thtime submitting to OCRA. It is very competitive, but the Town needs to replace the water main on S. Buckeye Street. The Town will be receiving local matching funds from Rising Sun Regional Foundation, Reynolds Foundation, and ARPA funds. Matt Wirth with Commonwealth Engineers was present and stated he would answer any questions. He stated that it is a much needed project. Steve Wilhoit stated that he has been in a hole on some very cold nights and holidays repairing the water leaks that occur on that water main. He stated that the water main desperately needs to be replaced because it affects Manderley Health Care (nursing home), Jay C Store, REMC, Buckeye Village, and all the other businesses that are on that line. Tony Wood stated the water main has broken 12 times in 15 years and that it is a public health concern for the residents as well as the employees who are working on the water main in the highway (U.S. 421) on S. Buckeye with icy conditions. The last 3 years the REMC has sent employees home, due to no water. The Town has already replaced a 1” line with a 6” line on Short and Andrews Street that connects to Shook Street, we would like to keep moving forward. Chris Kuhn closed the hearing.
Attorney Lynn Fledderman explained that Council Member, Holley Rose, was not able to attend the meeting due to an auto accident and since there was only one Council Member present, we could not hold the meeting. We did not have a quorum.
The meeting had to be postponed. Special meeting was set for Thursday, April 21, 2022 at 7:30 p.m.
Town of Osgood Minutes
Special Meeting
Thursday, April 21, 2022
7:30 P.M.
Present at the meeting were Tammy Wilhoit, Chris Kuhn, and Holley Rose.
Motion to waive the reading and adopt the pre-read minutes. Holley 1st, Chris 2nd
2 ayes
Ripley County Community Foundation is awarding the Water Department $1,000 toward the upgrade of water taps. Grant Agreement was signed.
2022 Community Crossing Project claims:
Commonwealth Engineers - $19,100.00 for preliminary design and bidding/negotiating.
Motion to approve Commonwealth Engineers claims. Holley 1st, Chris 2nd
2 - ayes
Notice to Proceed for All Star Paving was presented.
Motion to sign the Notice to Proceed. Chris 1st, Holley 2nd
2 - ayes
Baker Tilly had previously prepared an estimate for a Water and Sewer Rate Study for Council review: After communicating with Doug Baldesarri concerning the estimate, some of the work can be cut back and they will take a more preliminary look at the consumer data. He revised the fees based on limiting the consumer and cost of service rate structure studies and removing one of the three meetings. The cost will be $10,000 per utility. He will also look at the House Enrolled Act 1002 authorizing the repeal of the Utility Receipts Tax (for water) effective July 1, 2022.
Motion was made to proceed with Baker Tilly’s estimate. Holley 1st, Chris 2nd
2 - ayes
Interviews for the Water/Wastewater position are being held Saturday, April 23rd at 12:00
Claims were signed.
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting. Chris 1st, Holley 2nd
2 - ayes