Town of Osgood Minutes
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
7:00 P.M.
Present at the meeting were Tammy Wilhoit, Holley Rose, Chris Kuhn, Rob Bradley, Reyna Jackson, Bill Roberts, Dale Gick, and Steve Wilhoit.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call – Lynn Fledderman was not present
Motion to waive the reading and adopt the pre-read minutes. Holley 1st, Chris 2nd
2 - ayes
Old business: a default judgment has been received on the owner of 445 N. Maple Street for failure to appear or answer the complaint.
Commonwealth Engineers – Project Update Memo:
2022 Community Crossing Project:
- Bids were opened on February 24th and tentative award to All-Star Paving
- Signed contracts and related documents were submitted to INDOT, still working on some details.
- Pre-construction meeting was held today.
- Construction is anticipated to start in early April
Water Improvement Project:
- OCRA Funding Application – Town will re-apply for the next round of OCRA funds and try to increase local match from Reynolds and Rising Sun foundations, along with ARP funds
Hunt Street:
- Street Dept. added stone in front of the residence and it has reduced the standing water substantially.
- The owner is content with the current status.
Upcoming Street Improvement Projects:
- Discussion was held with the Town, Reynolds, and Commonwealth to determine how to proceed with future CCMG contracts in order to reduce the time constraints associated with the CCMG deadlines.
- One path identified was to initiate a contract for field work and preliminary design early so that work can be completed prior to the application being submitted.
- This path would also allow for better price estimates in the application.
2022 Community Crossing Project claims:
Commonwealth Engineers - $94,120.00 for preliminary design and final design
Motion to approve. Holley 1st, Chris 2nd
3 - ayes
Town received grants from the Reynolds Foundation for: $2,500 toward the replacement of trees on North Elm Street, $8,500 toward the expense of tent rental and entertainment at Bricktoberfest, and $130,000 for the purchase and cleanup of a property. Grant Award Agreements were signed for each one.
Baker Tilly has prepared an estimate for a Water and Sewer Rate Study for Council review.
The Personnel Ordinance does not list Bereavement Days for a niece or nephew. Clerk-Treasurer asked if it should be added to the ordinance since there is one (1) day for a cousin.
Motion to make updates to Ordinance 2021-6 and Personnel ordinance per Council’s request. Holley 1st, Chris 2nd
3 - ayes
Tony would like to run the ad for the Water/Sewer Position 2 weeks longer.
Street Department - Steve Wilhoit is requesting that the hourly rates for employee’s labor and equipment be increased. He also had concerns with portable storage sheds that are not permitted and anchored. Some are also being placed on the Town’s right-of-way. He’s requesting that Lynn needs to look into rules for this since some are being installed for tiny homes.
Gas Department - March 28th and 29th will be the annual survey for leaks. The Town hired a part-time employee who will be able to attend an On Call Course with USDI in Illinois May 2nd through May 5th for $1,400. We will enroll him because he will need to be certified. Council agreed to move forward with the class.
Reyna Jackson was present and stated the properties of the firework store and Hometown Auto have not improved. There are now 3 vehicles on the Lothridge property that are not licensed. Council stated that since they have not complied with the Ripley County Area Planning letters and their time has expired they will proceed with legal action.
Motion to have Lynn Fledderman proceed with legal action on these properties. Holley 1st, Chris 2nd
2 - ayes
The Town is waiting on communication from INDOT before giving notice to proceed on the next Community Crossing Project, there was a hold up due to the storm drainage on Morris Street that was being routed to a creek that had trees and debris in the flow line.
Rob Bradley was present and stated that he is running for Ripley County Sheriff. He is encouraging people to get out and vote on May 3rd for the primary election. He stated there was only a 20% voter turnout at the last election and every vote counts. He has been a Ripley County Sheriff’s Deputy for 21 years and was an Osgood Deputy for 3 years.
Claims signed.
Motion to adjourn meeting. Holley 1st, Chris 2nd
2 - ayes