Regular Meeting
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
7:00 P.M.
New Council President, Chris Kuhn, opened the meeting.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call – all present
Motion to waive the reading and adopt the pre-read minutes. Holley 1st, Norman 2nd
3 - ayes
Old Business:
Updates on Ordinance Violations:
401 E. Fairground – working on property and are cooperating.
445 N. Maple – in default, will ask for damages.
Commonwealth Engineers – Dale Gick was present and gave the Project Update Memo:
2021 Community Crossing Project is complete. Dave O’Mara has been invoiced for the inspection overruns. Commonwealth Engineers will receive payment once the Town receives the payment from O’Mara. Commonwealth Engineers also submitted a letter to the Town indicating a revised breakdown of the percentages to be paid by INDOT and the Town.
2022 Community Crossing Project – Osgood was awarded $990,943.93: completes the milling and resurfacing, curbs, drainage improvements, ADA upgrades, parking improvements, sidewalks, driveway approaches, striping, and signage that will occur along Eckert, Shook, Wilson, Schuerman, and Morris Streets. Surveying for the project is complete, plans are being developed for a public informational meeting that is scheduled for January 26th at 6:00 p.m., and letters have been sent out to all the affected parties of this new project. Commonwealth Engineers will be there to do a presentation and answer any questions. Easements will need to be signed. The tentative schedule includes the following dates:
January 24 - Commonwealth will meet with Steve for a site visit
January 26 - Public Information Meeting 6:00 p.m.
January 27 - 1st Bid Advertisement
February 3 - 2nd Bid Advertisement
February 4 - Plans Available
February 8 - Pre-Bid Meeting
February 24 - Bid Opening and Tentative Award 6:00 p.m.
March 2 - Construction Agreement Executed
March 3 - Construction Agreement submitted to INDOT
Water Improvements Project – OCRA application was submitted on December 17th. Award announcement will be February 10, 2022.
Herman Strumpf sent an email wanting to plant the seed of rebuilding the Osgood Train Station.
Council needs to appoint the 2022 representative to the Southeastern Indiana Regional Planning Commission Board of Directors.
Motion to appoint Stephanie Back to the SIRPC Board of Directors. Holley 1st, Chris 2nd
3 - ayes
The Police Department is requesting the Town to contribute $1,800 toward the purchase of an Apex Radio. One radio is $4,600, they received a $2,000 grant and the remaining funds will come out of their budget.
Motion was made to approve their request. Norman 1st, Holley 2nd
3 - ayes
Police Department - Will Wallace stated that the new Deputy Marshal, Daniel Craig, started January 3rd. He loves interacting with the community and he believes that he will be a great fit for the department and the town of Osgood. Chris Kuhn asked if they can get schedules sent to them and asked for coverage for Friday and Saturday evenings.
Reyna Jackson was present. She owns property on Short Street. A renter had issues with a hot water heater in their home. Reyna’s husband had to have help backing out of the driveway because there were trucks from the REMC in the street. She stated that there is all kinds of stuff on the outside of the fence, it was explained that the fence had been moved and that the stuff on the outside of the fence is still REMC’s property. She also stated that Hometown Auto has vehicles parked across the street. Council asked if she went to the County to file a complaint. She stated she had not. She stated those vehicles had flat tires and not plated. Lynn recommends that Officer Wallace investigate and see if they are violating town ordinance, cite if needed. He will need to let the council know why or if he cannot take action and Lynn will look at revising the ordinance. Council requested Reyna to go to the county and file a complaint for any County violations.
Jerry Vollmer was present and stated that they are making plans for the new year. They have 7 committees, five that are functioning and doing some planning. They have a lot of good things going on. The urban development committee is working on a theme for Osgood. They appreciate the Town's support, we have a good council, and good people working for the Town. Thank you!
Claims signed
Motion to adjourn the meeting. Norman 1st, Holley 2nd
3- ayes