Town of Osgood Minutes
Orginizational Meeting
Monday, January 10th, 2022
7:00 P.M.
Roll Call – all present
Norman Kappes made a motion for Council President to be Chris Kuhn. Norman 1st, Holley 2nd
2 - ayes
Motion to keep council meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 P.M. Chris 1st, Holley 2nd
3 - ayes
Motion to retain all current superintendents. Holley 1st, Chris 2nd
3 - ayes
Motion to appoint Council as the Board of Public Works and Safety and the Board of Finance. Chris 1st, Holley 2nd
3 - ayes
Resolution 2022-1 with a contract. A contract for cleaning services by Jeanne DeBurger to clean the Town Hall and Community Center.
Motion to approve Resolution 2022-1 and Contract. Holley 1st, Chris 2nd
3 - ayes
Resolution 2022-2 with contract. A contract for cleaning services by Jeanne DeBurger to clean the Gas Utility Office.
Motion to approve Resolution 2022-2 with contract. Holley 1st, Chris 2nd
3 – ayes
Resolution 2022-3: Resolution to employ Lynn Fledderman for legal services.
Motion to approve Resolution 2022-3. Holley 1st, Chris 2nd
3 - ayes
Resolution 2022-4 with contract. The contract states that the Town of Osgood needs to provide fire protection services to the residents and businesses. Osgood Volunteer Fire Department is available and willing to provide this service.
Motion to approve Resolution 2022-4 with contract. Chris 1st, Holley 2nd
3 - ayes
Resolution 2022-5 with contract. The Town of Osgood has the legal authority to contract with the Jackson Center Delaware Fire Territory for the provision of fire protection services. The fire protection services by the Osgood Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. through the Town of Osgood.
Motion to approve Resolution 2022-5 and sign the contract with the Osgood Volunteer Fire Department and the Jackson Center Delaware Fire Territory. Holley 1st, Chris 2nd
3– ayes
Tammy Wilhoit signed Conflict of Interest Statements.
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting. Norman 1st, Holley 2nd
3 – ayes